Bourges 2028 welcomes artists from Oulu!

Published on Friday 12 July 2024

 To celebrate the opening of the Beautiful European Summer, we welcome the Finnish group JUNNA, coming directly from Oulu, European Capital of Culture 2026. Anna Haaraoja and Juha Seppänen will bring a touch of Finnish magic to the heart of summer, launching the cultural season in Bourges, which will run from July 12 to September 1.

For JUNNA, a journey of 2,800 kilometers; for all the residents of the Centre-Val de Loire region, a preview of the major European events being planned for 2028!

The invitation of these Finnish artists is not coincidental; it is the result of cooperation within the Matrix, a network that brings together 18 territories across Europe. With 150 million European citizens living in human-scale cities, the Matrix facilitates exchange, experimentation, and collaboration to reveal and energize Europe through actions.

Hyvää kesää kaikille, as our Finnish friends say. In other words, wishing everyone a beautiful summer!


©️ Photo credit: Joonas Leinonen

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