Nevers officially announces support for Bourges 2028 Bid

Published on Tuesday 8 March 2022

On the occasion of the press conference that was held on march 8, 2022 in the framework of the european Summit of telecommunications in which are collected the 27 ministers namesake, the Mayor of Nevers has officially announced its support to the candidacy of Bourges Expensive Centre-Val de Loire to the title of european Capital of Culture 2028. The elected officials of the city of Nevers and Bourges operate as an approximation history between the two communities.

All cultural policies brought by the City of Nevers (heritage, creation and art education, performing arts and the reading public) benefit from this dynamic to create new projects in partnership with the City of Bourges and its candidacy for the european union (exposure, cross -, co-produced show, the valorisation of heritage common to the territories of the Cher and the Nièvre…).

In order to strengthen the attractiveness of the territory and the enhancement of the cultural activities of the City of Nevers, the municipality engages with other communities to promote Bourges CEC 2028. Projects stamped “Bourges CEC 2028” will take place throughout 2022 and 2023.

Work is underway between the city of Nevers, Bourges and the region Centre-Val de Loire around a mobility solution for neversois wishing to take advantage of the “Printemps de Bourges”.

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