Public presentation of the candidature Bourges 2028, European Capital of Culture

Published on Thursday 24 March 2022

All the actors of the Bourges 2028 project invite you to a public presentation meeting about the candidacy of Bourges, Cher Centre-Val de Loire, European Capital of Culture 2028.

Bourges is a candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2028. An important title with cultural, tourist and economic repercussions envied by many French metropolises.

Qu’est-ce qu’une Capitale européenne de la Culture ? Quelles retombées pour la ville et le territoire ? Quels sont les atouts de la Ville de Bourges et sa région ? Qui est à la tête du projet et quelles en sont les grandes lignes ? Qui sont les partenaires ? Qui sont les concurrents ? Comment participer ?

Are you interested in these questions?

The association Bourges 2028 in collaboration with the City of Bourges, the agglomeration Bourges Plus, the department of Cher and the Region Centre-Val de Loire are pleased to invite you to an evening presentation of the Bourges 2028 project on Thursday 24 March at 8 pm at the Maison de la Culture…

Last news


Following obtaining the title, the Bourges 2028 team is structuring itself for the rest of the project. We will see you at the end of March with a completed operational team. Until then, you can contact us at and follow us on social networks